I Work With



Stress has a good part to play in our lives. It gathers energy and focus to push us to the next step. However, with the ever growing pace of life and ‘on demand’ culture, it can become a continuous, exhausting experience rather than a boost.


Most of us get a bit anxious sometimes, like before sitting an exam or attending a job interview. However, experiencing anxiety on a daily basis is quite a different experience. When it reaches it's peak, it’s crippling, immobilising, and ever present.



Feeling sad is a normal response to some kind of loss or disconnection. Depression is more than feeling sad. In fact, it can feel more like numbness and lack of any feeling and motivation to live.

Post-Natal and Ante-Natal Depression

Being a new mum or a new dad is a life changing event. Almost like an initiation. When things somehow go wrong in this very delicate and demanding time you can start suffering from depression. It can affect the mum and/or the dad in very different ways.


Relationship Problems

Intimate relationships are important. The lack of one or when things go wrong in a relationship are often very upsetting. We strive for an intimate connection with another and this connection deserves attention.


Love can be felt in so many different ways. From a tender touch of your mother, a dear friend’s support, a partner’s devotion, to an erotic encounter and more. And yet, life can bring complications and even leave us feeling like we do not know how to love anymore.


Bereavement and Loss

Bereavement and loss are an inevitable, yet painful, part of our human existence. Sometimes all we need is time and loving support to deal with our loss. Sometimes the process of grief is nothing but straightforward. You might have lost someone you loved dearly, a part of your identity, or a precious dream.


Illness can highlight the importance of our life and what we hold dear in it. It can bring about change that is difficult to bear. You might feel like you need substantial support to make new meaning of yourself and your life.


Anger Management

Anger is one of our emotions for a reason and is equally important as all the other emotions. However, you can get trapped in cycles of anger that is no longer serving its purpose and is having a damaging effect on your life and relationships.


A traumatic event in your life will not necessary lead you to suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Trauma is a very wide range of experiences that one can be subjected to that will cause a kind of fragmentation of being and keep some of those fragments disoriented within past and present.



Discrimination is an aggressive act against difference, that is upheld by a society. It has a huge impact on those discriminated against and those who discriminate, albeit in very different ways.

Cultural Transitions

Changing cultures brings all that we take for granted right into the forefront of our awareness. As much as this can be an exciting process it can also bring questions of belonging, difference, and loss.